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Honor and Character

Our emphasis on honor and personal integrity is central to every aspect of school life at Webb. The Honor Code, dating back to the School’s founding, features a pledge signed by every student each year. Elected representatives from the Middle and Upper School serve on the student-led Honor Council.

Emerging Voices Program

Our focus on writing across the curriculum and public speaking is realized in the Emerging Voices Program. Through performing declamations and orations, and presenting original work and senior papers, students throughout the grades gain valuable experience in writing, research, and public presentation.

Global Education

A focus on global education throughout the curriculum gives Webb students knowledge of many cultures and prepares them for a globally connected world. The diversity of students at Webb promotes increased awareness and understanding of how we are all connected and the challenges we face across regions and nationalities.

Outdoor Program

Webb’s Wilderness Instruction and Leadership Development (WILD) program offers significant training in outdoor skills and promotes leadership and confidence. On-campus, students navigate a ropes course and practice a variety of outdoor activities. Off-campus trips feature rock climbing, caving, backpacking, kayaking, and rafting.

Personalized Education

You will know every student and teacher at Webb, and they will know you. Our small class sizes and flexible curriculum allow for an education that meets each student’s needs and goals. Advisors, teachers, coaches, and dorm parents monitor each student’s progress and provide the encouragement and support that fosters success.

Pledge your Honor

Our Community

Personalized Education

From the Head to the Feet

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4