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Violin? Guitar? Choir? Even Ukelele! Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Linton and Mr. Creal have something for everyone.



Come and see what Ms. Cordell's Thespian Webb troupe is up to.


Visual Arts

Come and see what Ms. Crow, Mr. Stem and Ms. Spurlock's students have created so far.


The Lundin Fine Arts Center
Our Webb students' creativity takes place amid the 11,000 square feet of halls and classroom that comprise the Lundin Fine Arts Center.


This facility features a choir room, piano lab with 12 pianos, string ensemble room, recording studio, theatre room for drama classes and rehearsals, individual practice rooms, an art gallery and a 4,000 square-foot room that houses two and three dimensional art classrooms.
The Webb School's Fine Arts

With both an international and national reputation, The Webb School's Fine Arts program is admired for the breadth of its course offerings and the outstanding quality of the school's faculty.

Upper level students at Webb (grades 9-12) are required to take one class in the Fine Arts each year, three of which must be in a different area of the Fine Arts.

Our Passionate Faculty

The faculty members, who have degrees from some of America's finest conservatories and universities, give their students both outstanding instruction (in private lessons and classes) and insiders' views of the fine arts as working professionals.

The Webb School String Orchestra Holiday Concert December 2, 2022

The Webb School presentation of Lessons and Carols December 8, 2022

From the Head to the Feet - Featuring Ruth Cordell, Theatre Program Director

Webb Orchestra - Canon in D

Webb Intermediate Strings

Webb Strings Concert

Strings Christmas Concert

Lessons & Carols

6th Grade Christmas Concert

Leo Qi '24 - Chapel October 2022

Leo Qi '24 - Chapel 9/15/2021

Leo Qi '24 - Chapel 3/02/2022

Leo Qi '24 - Nashville's First Presbyterian Church

Jason Liang '22 - Chapel 4/11/2022

Jack Zhong 2022 - Chapel Performance

Electrify Your Symphony with Mark Wood

Artistic Gifts

At The Webb School, we offer many opportunities for our students to develop and nurture their artistic gifts and talents. Whether it is through musical instruments, theatrical performances, a paintbrush, or beautiful pottery pieces, our passionate Webb educators will guide the students towards a rewarding experience in the classroom, on stage, and throughout their chosen artistic endeavors. Through the arts, our students will be inspired and we will help them find their voice.

Award-Winning Courses

Our well-established curriculum in the Fine Arts Department seeks to actively engage each student in their creative process no matter their level of expertise and to inspire the joy in their innovative expression that is an essential part of an education and personal growth. The variety of award-winning courses and programs offered at Webb will ensure that our students’ personal goals, purpose and aptitudes give them the tools needed to flourish and push their limits for a brighter future.