Click to watch the Class of 2024 Senior Blazer Day
Click to read remarks by Colleen Enea ’12
The Webb School continued a long-standing tradition of honoring seniors during the annual Senior Blazer Day. On Nov. 10, the South’s oldest, continuously operating boarding school hosted the ceremony, and 75 members of the Class of 2024 were presented their Webb blazers. Colleen Enea, a 2012 graduate, was the guest speaker.
Head of School Ken Cheeseman, in his fourth year at Webb, opened the ceremony. “Welcome to the families and friends of our esteemed seniors. Thank you for investing in them so well; they are, individually and collectively, a strong class, and I am grateful for them. Seniors, welcome to this important and special moment.”
Turning his comments to parents, Cheeseman said, “Thank you for giving us the honor and privilege of knowing, teaching, coaching, and mentoring your sons and daughters. As a dad who has experienced senior year with my older three children, I encourage you to be intentional with the five or six months you have left with your children before they head off to college. When they leave, life changes and your relationship changes -- many good aspects of that, but there is a sadness as well.” The head of school encouraged parents to spend time with their seniors. “Talk about your child’s hopes, dreams, and fears with them. Help them articulate how they will achieve their dreams. We know the consequences for our choices, good and bad. Remind them that you love for who they are, not what they do; they need to carry this truth with them to college as they face challenges and rigors, and temptations of college life.”
Cheeseman was joined on the stage by three alumni participating in the ceremony and introduced Dr. Tabetha Sullens ’94, a member of Webb’s Leadership Team as associate head for enrollment management; Seth Roberts ’01, World Languages Department faculty member; and Kristen Linton ’00, Webb’s director of leadership annual giving.
The head of school introduced the Blazer Day speaker, Colleen Enea, a brand and marketing strategist based in Huntsville, Ala. She is a graduate of Abilene Christian University. In 2016, she founded Honeycomb, a design and brand consulting firm rooted in the belief that a successful business begins with a strong brand and thrives through sustainable business practices. In addition to her role as the founder and CEO of Honeycomb, she is also the Creative Director and Senior Marketing Consultant for Blue Sky Partners.
Enea recently married her partner, Chris, and together they have undertaken a new project on Colleen’s family farm, which they named Mable and Jack Farmstead. The farm is a reflection of their passion for a healthy lifestyle, a close community, and an intentional mindset. They hope that one day, the farmstead can serve as a hub for like-minded individuals to come together, learn, and connect in nature.
Speaking from remarks she titled “Webb Stays With You,” Enea said, “I’m honored to be here with you today to celebrate Sawney’s birthday and one of the most important milestones in your Webb career. I remember sitting on this stage anxiously awaiting my blazer in 2011, knowing I was one step closer to graduating and leaving my second home. Today I want to share a few things with you that I’ve reflected on over the years since graduating from Webb.
“First, this blazer is a symbol of everything you’ve learned here and that you’re nearly ready to go make your mark on the world. You are participating in one of our longest-standing traditions and joining decades of alumni who received this blazer. … Whether you are wearing this jacket or not, represent our values well and lean on them because Webb stays with you.
“The next thing to take with you is what’s surrounding you right now: community. When I graduated, I remember thinking, “How lucky am I to be graduating with 57 friends?” and after going to college, starting a business, and living all over the country, I was indeed lucky. A community like this one is one of a kind. Webb is an extension of my family and my second home.
“Third, keep your feet on the ground. When things feel chaotic and you’re not sure which way to turn, stay grounded in truth. Remember what you’ve been taught here. Find something you can anchor yourself to, find people you can trust and confide in. And trust that your experience here will guide you towards a better path because Webb stays with you.
“Finally: I’ve talked about preparing you for what’s next, but your time on campus isn’t over yet. Use this time to strengthen your friendships and connect with someone you may not be close with. Value this time to soak up wisdom from your teachers and thank them for sharing their knowledge with you. And take this time to be present to document and enjoy these last days to their fullest.
“Seniors, before you step on this stage and accept your blazer, I’m going to ask you to close your eyes. Think of everything that brought you here, all of the challenges you’ve overcome, all of the celebrations and accomplishments. Think of all the friendships you’ve built and the support that surrounds you. Think of the beauty of this place where you come to learn each day and the memories you’ve made here on campus. The community you feel around you now never goes away despite distance or schedules because Webb stays with you.”
Following the ceremony, seniors had the opportunity to gather with family members for photos at the Webb School Bell that once stood on the original school grounds in 1870 in Culleoka, Tenn.
The 2024 seniors include:
Henry Allsup
John Andrews
Ramon Arellano
Jaycie Bateman
Kate Billingsley
Sara Boyd
Nathan Brisebois
Noah Brown
Kacey Calhoun
Chelsea Callis
Kamiah Canady
Charlotte Carkuff
Taveon Comage
Mylee Cox
Gabriel Crisp
Ethan Crunk
Chananya Domethong
Christopher Douglas
Winston Dugdale
Bebe Falkner
Sydney Gilley
Bella Griffy
Gray Hamilton
Olivia Hastings
Mia Jin
Itali Johnson
Kenley Johnson
Hannah Joslin
Kurbonali Kabulbekov
Benjamin Kendall
Katy Kilgore
Samantha Kirby
Sara Knight
Annabelle Larsen
Nathaniel LeMaster
Tengxuan Li
Mary-Margaret Mayfield
Camille McCamey
Cooper Medling
Maya Muschett
Ema Nagyova
Cy Nash
Aspen Northcutt
Uchenna Nwofia
Kylie Parsons
Brookelyn Pedigo
Mai Phan
Caleb Powers
Paige Priestley
Leo Qi
Breanna Roberts
Cecil Rodgers
Iliana Seaver
Willa Kate Shofner
Austin Smith
Madeline Smith
Siena Smith
Annika Spross
Proud Sriwongngam
London Sullens
Gunnar Thayer
Rickey Thomas
Harry Thomas
Henry Thomas
Gage Walls
Jessica Wang
Brooks Watson
Megan Watts
Noah Wheat
William Wiltshire
Eddie Yan
Crane Yin
Mason Yoes
Steven Zhang
Ruiyang Zhang