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Trip to Texas offers opportunities to meet with alumni
Rita Mitchell

Kristen Linton Alsup '00 traveled across the state of Texas in February and had wonderful visits with her former students Briannna Wofford Smithley '11 and Philip James '14,  as well as with her friend and former Latin classmate, Isha Dhingra Mannering '99 (not pictured). She also trekked to Amarillo to meet with Eddie Bradley '61 at his office. Brianna is pictured with her husband Rob, and Phillip is pictured with his partner Austin Hawkins. 

Kristen Linton Alsup '00, Briannna Wofford
Smithley '11, Rob Smithley 

Philip James '14, Kristen Linton Alsup '00, Austin Hawkins

 Kristen Linton Alsup '00, Eddie Bradley '61