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9th graders participate in Adventure Ocoee for class trip
Rita Mitchell

Forty-four Webb ninth graders recently traveled to Adventure Ocoee in southeastern Tennessee for their class trip.

“The goal of this trip was to provide experiences that will jumpstart friendships and provide a greater sense of what the Webb upper school community is all about,” said Dr. Tabetha Sullens, assistant head of school. “The activities and structure of the camp are designed to create shared memories and opportunities to come together in a positive and cohesive way that will carry us through the beginning of the school year. “

Activities included swimming and a number of outdoor challenges.

“The atmosphere of these types of trips are perfect for the development of group dynamics. It is a great way to get these students engaged with their classmates on a more personal level as well as having fun together,” said Joe Griggs, Outdoor Program director.

He was assisted by faculty members, Maryanna Walton, Marynn Spurlock, Dr. Theresa Heindel, Brooke Haskins and James Garcia.